1. Security Kids must feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm. 2. Stability Stability […]
Access to basic services is particularly limited in rural areas of the country. AGLOM Children’s Home is working to help and protect Orphans and vulnerable young […]
No intervention has the impact on a child, family, community and society like education. And yet amid tremendous growth in enrolment rates, Africa lacks financial support, […]
You will have the opportunity to impact a child’s life and their entire family forever! You help them attain quality education and gain access to necessary […]
Under skills and hands-on skills development, the children have been learning to make hand-made table mats from scrap materials like bottle tops and clothe. We hope […]
As a ministry, we’re trying to put up projects like hands-on skills and farming to sustain the organization. Our workers in the farm had stopped working […]
Recently, the Government declared 1st of March 2021 as the date for semi candidates to return to schools. We have six children falling under that category […]